Sony : The Vision-S will not go into production

 Sony The Vision-S

A few days ago, Sony had released videos showing the Vision-S performing its first road tests near Graz, Austria. 

Everything seemed to indicate a concrete intention on the part of the electronics giant to start series production of the electric sedan. 

Conviction is further justified by the words of Horst Schaffer, manager of Continental (which is a partner of Sony), who had declared that he "has the feeling that all the parties involved want to bring this vehicle on the road as soon as possible". 

In fact, however, the reality is quite different.

Autonomous driving in the center. A spokesman for the Japanese company has in fact announced that "at the moment, the production or mass sale of the vehicle is not planned. We foresee that mobility will be an important trend of the future - added by the Japanese multinational - and we are trying to understand how Sony can make a significant contribution to the era of autonomous driving. " The concept, in fact, focuses on driverless driving and boasts a package consisting of 40 sensors, including four Lidars: at the moment the system has reached advanced level 2 of the SAE scale, but Sony hopes to soon reach level 4.

Entertainment technologies.  "Through our strengths in imaging and sensing, we aim to contribute to safety and reliability in autonomous driving, while delivering an immersive experience that leverages in-car entertainment," continued the Sony spokesperson. Precisely in the latter field, the electronics giant is working on the 360 ​​Reality Audio system, which uses speakers integrated into the headrests to offer more immersive listening. Another element of entertainment could be the presence on board a Playstation: Sony, in fact, is studying how to install a console with a 5G connection in the car, 


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