KTM Duke 125 and Duke 390 MY2022: here are the spy photos of the petite naked

KTM Duke 125 and Duke 390 MY2022: here are the spy photos of the petite naked

The Mattighofen naked bikes dedicated to young people should have a new chassis and engine. "Edged" design confirmed

MCN's British colleagues have caught another one! This time it's up to the small naked KTM, or the next Duke that we will see, unearthed during the final road tests. We do not know the displacement, but it seems the new 390, a bike produced by Bajaj Auto in India. The three shots, which you can see in the gallery, show a different design, but which is always characterized by the "edges." The tank, with the side conveyors, is better defined, and the headlight has a mask.

The frame seems to have changed, still a steel tube but with a different design and the swingarm, made of cast light alloy. The latter also boasts visible stiffening ribs. The shape of the latter has also been revised since it has a reinforcement truss on the left side, and on the right side, it is slightly more curved. The rear frame structure is also new, now composed of two light alloy castings. With the latter, we also find two shells/flanks with tiny shapes.

WP suspensions confirmed. The brakes are branded ByBre. Mystery around the engine will probably be the already well-known twin-cylinder single-cylinder but revised to overcome the more restrictive homologations. Not much else is known, but the new KTM Duke 125 and Duke 390 will likely arrive in 2022.


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